Thursday, 30 December 2010

The Happy People

I've never met a happy person. I've met people that were happy at times, or that had happy moments. I met people that smiled on occasions. But I've never met anyone that was actually happy. Happy with life, happy with their lives. That didn't feel dissatisfied about something. Who didn't want more from it. Life is not happy. If you think it is you're either kidding yourself, being delusional about your mundane, repetitive, meaningless existence, so that you can just about bear to carry on with it, or you're part of a very very small minority for whom it is. Even for that minority, it only is for moments, longer moments than for others, but still they're only moments. We're all programmed to be unhappy. Dissatisfied with what we have and who we are. The minute we have something we want, we want more, and so the emptiness just carries on till one day we don't wake up.

Its not just a point of view, and its not just a perspective. You want to put a positive spin on famine, go ahead and delude yourself. Just take a look around. Of the 6bn+ people that live on this planet, how many live in poverty, or face starvation, or torture? How many of those 6bn live comfortable lives. Some smart Alec prick will probably start talking about the relativity of comfort, and what a good life is, and even happiness. Its all bullshit. Its all bullshit he's selling to himself and to you so that you can carry on buying your bullshit and living your delusion. Last year in the UK over 100,000 dogs were abandoned. Sounds like a ridiculous example, but really, its not. 100,000 of man's best friends, just abandoned, on the streets of all places. Its just an example. A pretty small example, but an example nonetheless. Just look around, they're everywhere. Like the people living in Gaza. Fuck the politics of it, and who's right and who's wrong. Fuck all that bullshit. The point is this, 1.5m+ people, including women and children, living in abject poverty in one of the most densely populated places on earth. No prospects, no future, no economy, hardly even any medication. For fuck's sake, until a little while ago certain types of jam weren't even allowed there. Where's the positive happy spin on that. Africa's a place I don't even want to begin to talk about. It's a fucking train wreck of misery. One genocide after another, corrupt leaders robbing their people blind and everyone just watching. Fuck the politics, I don't give a shit about all that right now, and its just another example, but please, take your happy pill and shove it up your ass if you think life is anything other than miserable. And then there's the selfish fuckers that wear fur. I mean, come on, think about it. These poor little bastard seals, rabbits, and other fucking Disney animals, clubbed to death, for nothing other than fashion. Some fucking animal, that got to experience life, that fought to live, that managed to be born, was killed, skinned, the rest of it thrown away, within a couple of months of life, just so that you can look good at a party. That's how fucked up life is. That's how meaningless life really is to us, that we would intentionally kill a living, breathing, defenseless creature, for a fucking party of all things. Just to look good at some fucking shitty party. I mean, how fucked up is that? Life in totality is just full of misery. If you're the son of some rich kid and you can just sit on your ass and masturbate your whole life, get the girls you want, go to the schools you want, live off your daddy like you want, then fine, maybe not for you in your little poncy ass world, but I'm sorry you little spoilt fuck, your life isn't life full stop.

Just look around, at everything, and yeah sure, there are happy moments, and happy things, and happy memories, but that's all it is. Moments. Fleeting at most. We're just about able to touch them before they vanish, at best. Its all we have, one happy moment, the memory of which is enough to carry on with all the shit waiting for the next. And if you walk around with a smile all day long, you belong in a loony bin. Seriously. Pick out your designer straight jacket, and do everyone a favour and check yourself the fuck in, and only come out when that smile is wiped off your face. We all wish that when the person of our dreams dumps us that the DJ would just play "when doves cry" while a chick twice as hot as her gyrates over you, giving you the type of lap dance that you'd sell your own mother for, but shit just don't happen like that. In fact, it would probably better if the bitch that dumped your ass was gyrating over you while "when doves cry" played in the background, but clearly that confused cow can never be happy either, hence you're in a strip club with some single mom with no other real prospects in life who's rubbing her one gift from god all over you to some cheesy ass Neyo song whilst thinking you're one sad pathetic loser, and even more so for having to come to a strip club and pay money for something a real man would be getting for free. All this while you're probably thinking she likes you.

There are no happy people, and there are no happy lives. Why else would we spend so much of our time in fantasy la la land. Watching movies about perfect lives, reading books about made up shit, addicted to celebrity magazines, the life of the queen, or the rich and famous. We consume copious amounts of fiction, and feel entertained. Its our reality away from reality, and its our biggest pastime. Its not fucking real, its escapism, and its all because some smart ass somewhere knows everyone's such a miserable fuck that they'd part with the little money they have to watch make believe people do shit better than they could ever do it. Then you go home and pretend you're wife is Angelina, and still you're gonna tell me you're happy. Just to rub it in, after going through the entire Hollywood male A-D list actors, she's probably pretending its Angelina too. That's how fucking miserable you really are, your damn woman is so sick of you she's used up every eligible guy to fantasize about and run them dry. She can't even get wet putting a George Cloony fucking mask over your head anymore, that's how miserable you are. You've used up George fucking Cloony, and now you're Angelina. We spend half our lives consumed in other peoples' lives and those people don't even exist. Now tell me how happy life is.

So I'm sorry to break it to you, and I'm sure I could have done a better job of it too, but life is not happy. This is not a definitive study, but neither is it just an opinion. It is what it is. A wake up call I guess. Most of all to myself. Accept it doesn't exist, and ironically, though you'll never really be happy, you might find a little satisfaction.

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