Tuesday 29 August 2006

Love by the Candle in the Eye

In the candle of the eye
Doth love find its light.
A flickering flame
Inscribes upon warmth, meaning.
May a woman be my wick
The wax of passion to run evermore.

The formlessness of burning
Imprisoned by a glowing in the eye.
A red mist of wanting
Descends on each new dawn of the mind.
The shallow nature of love
Projects shape onto the spirit of life.

From the poet of the night
We learn to love,
By the candle of the eye
Under the crescent moon and starry nights.
But in irony of ironies
He himself be blind.

The sun doth burn
Bright, scorching by daylight
Feet charred on dusty roads
Travelled by harlots through time,
To be ravaged and yet love
Meaning lost to the folly of a fire’s light.

When the trees rustle
By the breeze of a lover’s sigh
Does the candle flicker
But never die
For love is far too shallow
To be extinguished by anything of life.

To the perfect human faculties
Does it present the grandest of lies,
To love what we know not
By the candle in the eye,
Loving but ourselves
Until we are blind.

by Haemophiliac...
...finished 29/08/06