A fucking storm, this life we find ourselves in. A storm in which we avoid all collisions. Preferring to fair the seas aboard our own vessels, charting the waters as the current of time carries us in but one direction, to the same place. A fucking storm, and no one swims. A fucking storm despite the seasons, the creaking of the boards and rupturing of the hull. Masts upright, sails torn through and through. Sirens fly between the ropes that bind my body. Take me. Take me I beg. Drag me into the murky waters I stand and watch every day, without the courage to jump. Or steer this vessel that I may collide with another life I'm so afraid to harm. Drown together, alone, the mermaids calling. Harbours, shores, countries, divided lands of civilisations. Everything meaningless. Take me from my prison of caring. In lust is living. In love I am the ocean.
by Haemophiliac...
...finished 8th October 2009
Written at the National Gallery looking at Turner's 'Calais Pier'.
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